Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New shape paintings

I feel like I ended up at the wrong destination on the painting journey with these new works. I feel like I am illustrating instead of painting which would be a great predictable style if I got hired to do a children's book or similar work. But I would like my personal painting to be more unpredictable and process oriented. I wonder if you take an idea too far that you start turning in a circle? Or if you don't know how to proceed you choose a familiar path which would be a circle because it is a place that you have been before.

My son was asking a lot of questions about the blue dog: Is he lost? Is he lonely? or does he live in the wild? I hope he thinks he is lost but not really far from the right track.

1 comment:

Carol Barber said...

Sold the Lake Breeze painting to a customer for a children's room. I was right to think children's books for this style.