I am working part time at a florist, it is fun to use design and color in a totally new way and medium. It feels like painting sometimes. I am also working on a new painting but it is not turning out delicate but bold and bright.
I am dreaming of softer colors and monochromatic schemes like Monday's snow fall showed me. What I am painting are these crazy tattooed wine bottles. I also want to incorporate more drawing in my paintings. I am thinking about switching my media a bit. Hopefully when the illustration project is over I can find some new directions, only 11 more to draw, woo hoo!
Our first workshop class was fun and productive. Two art teachers are taking the class which was unexpected and made me feel really good. Many exciting things are happening at MadArts from cooking classes to new whimsical wooden carvings.
Painting for the love of color, the joyous process of layering paint and the inspiration of the wonderful world around us. I have been an exhibiting artist since 2002.